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CIS VPN Guide 2024-10-14T14:34:04+00:00

CIS VPN Global Protect Connection Guide

Guide to installation of CIS VPN for Windows, Mac, and Linux.


Step 1

For windows and MacOS go to the CIS VPN Download Portal

For Linux go to CIS VPN Linux Download – Must be logged into your student Google account to access.

You will be directed to Highline’s Okta Login page. Sign in with your highline credentials.

highline log in screenshot

Step 2

Once you are logged in you will be prompted to download the relevant Global Protect version for your specific operating system. To download the Linux version use the link provided in this document.

Select the download for your operating system. Instructions for each are below.

Highline VPN download, choose operating system screenshot

Windows OS – Installation

Step 1

Once you select your download, you should see it download or you will be prompted to save it. Once it is downloaded and saved, run the application.

GlobalPritect64.msi download screenshot

Step 2

After running the application, you will be prompted to go through the installation process. Follow all the steps to complete the installation and install Global Protect to your PC.

GlobalProtect setup wizard screenshot

Step 3

Select the location where you would like to install the application and press “Next”

Select Installation Folder for GlobalProtect screenshot

Step 4

Press “Next” to confirm the installation of the application

Confirm installation for GlobalProtect screenshot

Step 5

Once the installation is complete press “Close” to close the dialog box

Instllation complete for GlobalProtect screenshot

Windows OS – Connection

Step 1

Once the installation is complete in Windows navigate to the application now installed on the computer.

The installation should be under the start menu in windows and then under the “Palo Alto Networks” folder.

Palo Alto Networks, GlobalProtect, PanGPSupport menu, screenshot

Step 2

Once you launch the application go to your taskbar and click the grayed-out icon Palo Alto VPN Icon

Palto Alto VPN icon, screenshot

Step 3

If installing and connecting for the first time you will need to add the VPN address and will be prompted with a welcome dialog. Select ‘Get Started’ to progress to entering the VPN address

GlobalProtect Welcome screenshot

Step 4

Enter the CIS VPN address “cisvpn.highline.edu” and press connect to continue to the VPN login prompt

GlobalProtect Not Connected, enter portal address, screenshot

Step 5

Once you are prompted to enter your Highline credentials enter them into the Okta authentication dialog box and select “Sign In”

myHighline log in screenshot

Step 6

Once you complete the sign in the VPN will connect and if successful you should see the Globalprotect Icon listed as connected.

GlobalProtect Connected gateway screenshot

Step 7

You can test your connection by selecting “three lines” and checking the “settings” option: the connection address you were assigned the public address should be displayed. You can also verify you are connected to the CIS network by Pinging the CIS DNS server (

GlobalProtect Connections menu screenshot

Step 8

You will now notice the following icon in you taskbar if you are on windows

The icon (on the far left) will look grey when it is in a disconnect state

GlobalProtect Disconnected icons screenshot

The icon will look light blue when it is in a connected state

GlobalProtect Connected icons screenshot

Step 9

Ensure that you are not connected to the CIS VPN when you are not using it. The application will remain running when not in use. If you wish to close the application you must do so by shutting down the process in task manager by right-clicking, and selecting “End Task”

Disconnect from CIS VPN via Task Manager, screenshot

Mac OS – Installation

Step 1

After running the application, you will be prompted to go through the installation process. Follow all the steps to complete the installation and install Global Protect to your MAC.

GlobalProtect Installer for MAC screenshot

Step 2

Depending on the installation you will be promoted to upgrade or install the application. Once the desired installation method is selected proceed to the next step by selecting Continue.

Installation for GlobalProtect for MAC custom install screenshot

Step 3

Select the “Install” button to continue with the installation on the MAC

Standard Install on MAC screenshot

Step 4

During the installation you will be prompted to enter your MAC password to allow the installation to run on your MAC

Installer trying to install, password required, screenshot

Step 5

Once the Installation is completed you can select “Close” to complete the installation.

GlobalProtect installation for MAC successful screenshot

Linux OS – Installation

Step 1

Once the .tgz file is downloaded extract it using the following command
“sudo tar -xvf PanGPLinux-X.X.X-xx.tgz”

Note: The (X.X.X-x.x) are place holders for the version number. Ensure you add the correct name with the version number of the file downloaded from the repository.

Linux installation of GlobalProtect, command “sudo tar -xvf PanGPLinux-6.1.1-c4.tgz” screenshot

Step 2

Install the application by running the “./gp_install.sh” command in the terminal

Linux installation of GlobalProtect, command “./gp_install.sh” screenshot

Step 4

Once the application is installed you can run it and connect to the VPN address. If the application is not dissipated you can run “globalprotect launch-ui” to start the application.

Welcome to GlobqalProtect, enter portal address, screenshot

Step 5

Before connecting on Ubuntu 22 you may need to modify the SSL security setting by add the following to the end of the openssl.cnf file

Options = UnsafeLegacyRenegotiation

Linux GlobalProtect SSL security settings screenshot

Step 6

Once the SSL setting have been updated you can login to the VPN by entering your Highline Username and password on in the Okta window

myHighline log in screenshot

Step 7

Verify your connection by checking the IP address assigned to the “gpd0” interface

Linux Verify your connection by checking the IP address assigned to the “gpd0” interface, screenshot
