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ctcLink Mobile App Class Search

Home/ctclink Guide/ctcLink Mobile App Class Search
ctcLink Mobile App Class Search 2024-10-01T14:47:02+00:00

ctcLink Mobile App

Tutorial: Search for Classes

This guide will show you how to search for classes on your mobile device using the ctcLink mobile app or using the mobile- friendly webpage on your computer. The class search will allow students to view class schedules by term and add classes to the shopping cart or planner for future enrollment.

You can also watch a step-by-step tutorial video.

ctcLink Mobile App


Step 1

Open the ctcLink app on your mobile device or go to Highline’s Mobile-Friendly Website

  • If you are using the Mobile App, skip to step 4
  • Please note: Your screen may look different depending on what device you are using and your settings.

Step 2

Sign in to your MyHighline account with your Highline username and password.

ctclink mobile sign in page

Step 3

Once logged in, select the ctcLink Mobile tile from your MyHighline Okta dashboard

ctclink mobile tile on okta dashboard

Step 4

From the ctcLink mobile site, click the ctcLink login tile

  • Note: If you use the Mobile Application and you did not log in from the Highline Okta site you may be prompted upon clicking the tile for your ctcLink login

ctclink mobile log in tile

Step 5

Upon login. use the left menu to select ‘Class Search‘ from the ‘Class Information‘ drop-down

ctclink mobile class search from information menu

Step 6

The Class Search screen will display. Students select the term and then may select various search criteria and filters to narrow their search results.  The ‘More Filters‘ button will open additional filter options.

ctclink mobile app class search filters

Step  7

Once all criteria and filters have been selected, click the ‘Search button.

  • Note: Depending on your device size you may have to scroll down to see all filter options and the ‘Search‘ button.

ctclink mobile app search button

Step 8

A list of available courses that match the criteria and filters will display. Depending on device size you may  have a > or a ‘View‘ button to view all class details

ctclink mobile app view class details 2     ctclink mobile app view class details 1

Step 9

In the ‘Class Details,’ you can also link to the bookstore and view ‘Class Availability‘ information

ctclink mobile app class availability

Step 10

At the end of the class details, you may click the blue ‘Add to Cart’ button.

ctclink mobile app add to planner


You may also click the three dots three vertical dots menu in the bottom right to bring up a menu to ‘Add to Planner‘ or ‘Share‘ (lets you share the class information on social media, by email, or with a friend using a direct link).

ctclink mobile share class

Step 11

Click X at any time to return to search results.

ctclink mobile app class details x to close

Step 11

After closing the detailed class information, you will need to scroll to the top of the page to click the ‘Reset Filters’ button for a different search, or you can use the left menu to view other pages.
