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Google Drive File Stream Guide

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Google Drive File Stream Guide 2024-03-28T17:43:44+00:00

Google Drive for Desktop Guide

This is for the Google Drive Desktop/Device app (formerly File Stream) on Windows or MAC OS.

Google Drive provide online storage space that can be accessed on their web interface, or through your computer or device’s File Explorer/Finder, just like any of your local folders.

Step 1

Go to Google’s ‘Use Google Drive for Desktop’ guide.

Google Drive Help title bar

Step 2

Under ‘Install and set up Drive for desktop‘ you will click ‘Download Drive for desktop’

Click the appropriate blue download button for either Windows or Mac.

Google Drive Help installation

Step 3

The file will be downloaded to your computer’s Downloads folder, under the following file name:

  • Windows: GoogleDriveSetup.exe
  • Mac: GoogleDrive.dmg

When you open the file to begin the download process, you will be prompted to log in.  Make sure you do so with your Highline.edu email address and password.

If you have any difficulty with the rest of the download instructions that come up on your screen, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Help Desk.

Step 1

Download the Google Drive app through the app store.



Step 2

Sign in with your Highline.edu email address and password.
