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Important Message to Students

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2024-02-09T14:16:54+00:00 Print Page

Important Message to Students


Dear Highline Students,

Greetings!  Information Technology Services (ITS) welcomes new and returning students to Highline College!  We want to share with you some of the information technology services and resources that are available to you as a member of the Highline community.  You can view this message online.

Our Mission:  Information Technology Services (ITS) is a customer-focused organization that strives to provide secure, reliable, efficient, and accessible technology solutions for Highline College students, faculty, and staff.


Technology Assistance and Resources


The ITS Help Desk located in Building 30 is available to provide technology and support to all campus users.


Help Desk Information


Day of WeekBuilding 30 Spring Break Hours (3/24-3/28, 2025)
Monday8:00 am - 5 pm
Tuesday8:00 am - 5 pm
Wednesday8:00 am - 5 pm
Thursday8:00 am - 5 pm
Friday8:00 am - 5 pm


How to Contact the Help Desk:

Please contact the Help Desk at ext. 4357 (HELP), (206-592-4357), email helpdesk@highline.edu, or submit a ticket.


When contacting the Help Desk: 

  • Please provide your name, address and zip code, ctcLink ID number
  • Tell us the problem that you are encountering.
  • Please monitor your email for a response from the Help Desk.


Open Computer Lab for Students

The Building 30 computers in the open lab space are open per the schedule above.  Please know that guests are not allowed in the open lab.  Also, food is not allowed in the open lab or building and all beverages must have a cover or lid.

Microsoft 365 including Word, Excel, PowerPoint is now located in the open lab in Building 30 and instructor stations, and throughout campus computer classrooms and labs.  Click for documentation on how to access Microsoft 365.


Student Devices for Checkout

ITS has a limited supply of Chromebooks and Windows laptops for checkout to students based on availability.  Computers are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis for one quarter.  Students must return devices when due and are subject to a fine if the device is not returned.  To request a device, please fill out a technology request form.


Student Technology Orientation Sessions

Come join ITS for technology orientation sessions to get better acquainted with Highline resources.  Sessions will be held the first two weeks of the quarter on Monday through Thursday, 9 -9:45 am, 11-11:45 am and 2-2:45 pm, in the open lab (30-313) near the Help Desk.


Other Technology Resources for Students, Available 24/7

Visit the ITS Tools for Students page for a complete list.


myHighline Account:

Activate your myHighline login here



Student Self-Service Portal



Canvas is the Learning Management System in use for most Highline classes.

Additional information about Canvas is located at the link. If a course has online materials, they are probably in Canvas. Some instructors, however, host their online materials elsewhere. If you did not see your course in Canvas, check with your instructor. Note that most courses will not be available until the first day of the quarter.                          


Google Drive:

Students, faculty and staff have a Highline Google Drive to save and share files.  Log in to Google Drive with your Highline username and password.


Microsoft 365:

Including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, is now located in the open lab in Building 30 and instructor stations, and throughout campus computer classrooms and labs.  Documentation on accessing Microsoft 365 is here.


Pharos Printing:

All student printing is handled by Pharos Uniprint.  This software provides a printing account for each student, tied to your myHighline account.  Answers to frequently asked questions is available on the Student Printing FAQ. If you need to add funds to your printing account, please visit the kiosks in Building 25, Building 29 and Building 30.



ITS is here to support you.  We hope that that you have a great Fall quarter and academic year!


The ITS Leadership Team

Tim Wrye, Executive Director & CIO

Patricia Daniels, Associate Director & DCIO, ctcLink PM/OCM

Theresa Duhart, Manager, Customer Services

Jennifer Jovanovich, ITS Security & Compliance Officer