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Data Retention Standards

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Data Retention Standards 2024-04-10T12:12:39+00:00

Data Retention Standards

Highline College Records Retention Policy # 4320 assures the appropriate retention and disposal of records.  We are following the State of Washington, State Board for Community and Technical colleges and the federal Department of Education regulations as well as the Veterans Administration policies where appropriate.

What are Data Retention Standards

  • Data retention refers to the amount of time that documents should be retained after creation or their last required use. 
  • Refers to both paper and digital documentation
  • There are legal implications for the college if records are kept beyond the data retention standards outlined by the state of Washington.

Default retention for email is 2 years unless an exception has been requested and granted. 

6 years is the standard length to hold documentation before removing and purging it from the system (exceptions HR and Student Services please see retention schedule)

ITS will create and maintain an ongoing education program to remind users that retention standards should be adhered to. We ask that each division of the college work to ensure they have methods in place to maintain compliance.

Community and Technical Colleges Records Retention Schedule