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Zoom Tutorial: Join Meeting

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Zoom Tutorial: Join Meeting 2025-02-11T13:58:25+00:00


Tutorial: Joining a Meeting

This will guide you through the ways you can join a meeting on the Zoom app.

Click on the URL in the meeting invitation that was likely emailed to you (you can also copy and paste it into your web browser).  It will be the first URL, where it says “Join Zoom Meeting.”

It will launch the Zoom app and connect you to the meeting.  It may take a minute.

zoom invitation example

  • Please note:  There is also a Meeting ID and Passcode, which is one of the ways to join a meeting through the Zoom App directly, as described in Option B below.

Step 1

Open the Zoom app, and click the blue ‘Join’ tile on the homepage.

zoom app tile menu

Step 2

You will be prompted to enter your name, and either:

  • Enter the meeting ID; or
  • Enter the code and password

Either of these you should be able to get from the meeting invitation, or the meeting organizer.

zoom app join meeting meeting id name
