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myHighline Account Guide

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myHighline Account Guide 2024-10-29T14:43:41+00:00

myHighline Account Guide

Your myHighline username and password (also called your Highline credentials) are used to log in to:

Want to Update or Verify your Information?

Log in to myHighline Account Info to:

  • Update your myHighline password
  • Update your alternate email address for security backup

Don’t have a myHighline Account Yet?

If you have your ctcLink Student ID number (provided in the Welcome Email from Admissions) and Activation Code (provided by an email from the ITS Help Desk) then check out the myHighline Activation Guide for written and video tutorials.

CWU Students have their own Activation Guide

Looking for your ctcLink Student ID Number?

If you have forgotten your ctcLink Student ID number, you can retrieve it via the ctcLink Online Student Services page.

This 9-digit ID number was in the Welcome Email you received from Admissions.
