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Guide to Google Permissions

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Guide to Google Permissions 2024-08-05T15:24:38+00:00

Guide to Google Permissions

When sharing a file or folder in Google Drive and Suite, you will be asked to choose the Permissions settings.  This guide will help you choose the correct level for your security and data integrity needs.

What are Permissions?

‘Permissions’ is the term used for the combined Access level and Role you choose to grant to another user.

You may grant permissions to either an individual file, or a folder within Google Drive.

Important: Google Drive permissions follow a waterfall design. This means:

  • When you grant someone access to a folder on Google Drive, they will not only have access to that specific folder, but also any subfolders it may have.

You may invite people to individual files only if you do not wish to share the entire folder and its subfolders.

Anyone trying to open a file or folder they do not have access to will come to a page notifying them that they must request permission, and provides a text box they can use to send the file/folder owner a message.

How to Grant Permissions

By clicking the ‘Share’ button at the top right, you can grant permissions to your content in one of two ways:

  1. Invite People
    • Enter the email addresses or names of the individuals or groups you would like to grant permission to, then choose to invite them as editors, commenters or viewers.
  2. Shared Links
    • Choose ‘Copy link’ to generate a hyperlink to the file or folder.  It will be based on the current settings, which by default restrict access to users that have already been granted permission.  Anyone else trying to use the link will get blocked and told to request permission.

Access Levels

  • Restricted:  Only users with access can open with the link (these will be the users listed in the ‘People with access’ section.
  • Highline College Google Apps:  Only other users with Highline.edu credentials may view it.  You can change the Role for those users next.
  • Anyone with the link:  This will allow anyone with the link to have access.   You can change the Role for those users next.  No log in is required for access.


  • Viewer:  Can only view the file (read-only), can not modify.
  • Commenter:  Can view the file but post comments on it, which do not modify the file itself.
  • Editor:  Can view and modify the file.

More Information

Best Practices

The best ways to manage your Drives, folders, and files while maintaining security and continuity.
