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Read&Write Installation Guide

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Read&Write Installation Guide 2024-05-16T12:32:24+00:00

texthelp Read&Write Installation Guide

What is texthelp Read&Write?

Read&Write is a literacy support tool that offers help with everyday tasks like reading text out loud, understanding unfamiliar words, researching assignments, and proofing written work.

Read&Write is available to all Highline College students, staff, and faculty as an application installed on Highline College devices. It can also be installed and activated on a personal device.

Instructions: Install Read&Write

Step 1

Download the ReadWrite Windows Installer here. It may say that a preview is not available, but that is not a problem. Once downloaded, locate the downloaded file setup.zip in your Downloads folder on your computer.

Right-click on setup.zip, then select ‘Extract All’ from the menu options.

Screenshot of Windows File Explorer, showing the setup.exe file in the local Downloads folder, with the selection menu highlighting the 'Extract All' option

Step 3

Select the ‘Extract’ button to continue. It will extract the files into your Downloads folder.

Screenshot of Windows popup screen for extracting zip files, with an arrow pointing at the 'Extract' button at the bottom right

Step 4

Wait for setup files to be extracted from the setup.zip file into your folder.

Screenshot of Windows progress bar for extracting the setup.zup file into your folder

Step 5

After extraction is complete, the folder with the setup files will come up. Double left-click to select setup.msi to open the installer.

Screenshot of Windows Downloads/Setup folder with the newly extracted setup.msi file highlighted

Step 6

From the Read&Write window that appears, select ‘Accept and Install’ to begin the installation process.

Screenshot of the start of the Windows read&write installation process, that says "By clicking the 'accept and install' button, I acknowledge that I accept the User Terms (with link) and Privacy Policy for TextHelp (with link). There is an 'Accept and Install' button at the bottom.

Step 7

Wait for the Installer (InstallShield Wizard) to copy and install Read&Write and click ‘Close’ when it is complete.

Screenshot of Windows Read&Write installer (ShieldWizard) progress of copying the Read&Write files onto your computer. This may take several minutes.. There is a cancel button at the bottom right.

Step 8

A shortcut for Read&Write will appear on your Desktop. Double left-click the desktop shortcut to launch the Read&Write app.

Screenshot of the Windows desktop icon for the Read&Write app

Mac OS Compatibility List

Step 1

Download the ReadWrite Installer for MacOS. It may say that there is no preview available, but that is not a problem.

Run the read&write.dmg and you will get the following screen. Left-click and hold to drag the Read&Write icon (rw) to the Applications folder.

Screenshot of the MacOS installation process, showing the Read&Write icon with an arrow pointing it to the Applications folder. It reads 'Drag our beautiful icon into the applications folder,'

Step 2

Read&Write will start copying to your Applications folder.

Screenshot of the MacOS Read&Write installation process, showing the progress of Read&Write being copied to your Applications folder.

Step 3

The Read&Write icon will appear in your Applications folder, double left-click to run.

Desktop icon for Read&Write on MacOS. It is a purple puzzle piece with lowercase 'rw' in white in the center. Below the puzzle piece it reads 'Read&Write' in black on a white background.

Step 4

The next screen is a routine security check by Apple, and should say similar to the example below. Select ‘Open.’

Screenshot of popup for MacOS installation of Read&Write. It reads: "“Read&Write” is an app downloaded from the internet. Are you sure you want to open it? Chrome downloaded this file [day and time]. Apple checked it for malicious software and none was detected." If your screen says similar, click 'Open' to continue.

Step 5

The Security & Privacy Screen will appear and explain the next steps to grant Read&Write Accessibility access so all its features can work.

Screenshot of MacOS Read&Write installation process, where the app requires Accesibility access for the features to work. You are given the following stages to complete: 1, 'Click the Privacy & Security button below' (there is a blue button reading ;Open Privacy & Security') and 2, 'On the preference screen that just opened, switch Read&Write on. Enter your password after prompted.' There is a toggle switch button labeled 'Read&Write'. The last button at the bottom says 'Done'

Step 6

First, click on the blue ‘Open Privacy & Security’ button. The Accessibility window will appear, showing a list of apps including ‘Read&Write.’ Note that the toggle switch to the right of the name is currently grey and the white circle is on the left side, which means it is turned off.

Screenshot of the MacOS Read&Write installation process, where the Security and Privacy prompted you to open this Accessibility screen. It shows a list of applications, include the Read&Write app, currently with an untoggled button.

Step 7

Click on the Read&Write toggle button to turn it on (it will turn blue), as shown here.

Screenshot of the 'Read&Write' Accessibility screen, a closeup on the Read&Write app name with a toggle switch on the right side. The toggle is on the right, which means it is turned 'on', which makes it turn blue.

Step 8

Since you are modifying system settings by granting Read&Write accessibility access, it will prompt you to sign in to confirm your identity. Please enter your myHighline username and password and click ‘Modify Settings.’

Screenshot of the Read&Write Privacy & Security log in to confirm identity before modifying your system settings. Enter your myHighline username and password and click the blue 'Modify Settings' button at the bottom.

Step 9

Click the ‘OK’ button to accept the User Terms.

Screenshot of Read&Write asking you to agree to the User Terms to proceed. There is a white button labeled 'Click here to view User Terms.'' You may choose between 'I do not accept the User Terms' or 'I accept the User Terms.' Then you may click the 'Continue' button.

Additional Resources
