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Student Equipment Loans

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Student Equipment Loans 2024-04-11T10:29:55+00:00

Student Equipment Loans

If you are in need of a computer to use for your coursework, ITS has a limited supply of mobile devices available for students. Chromebooks, Windows laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots are available for checkout.  Chromebooks are the default computer devices provided for checkout.  Windows laptops will be available when required for a specific class, and requests must include the class and instructor.  All checkout equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Devices are loaned for the current quarter and are due back at the end of the quarter:

  • Chromebooks and hotspots may be renewed for a second quarter upon request if you remain enrolled.
  • Windows laptops must be returned to the college at the end of the quarter for updates.  If you must return your device and you remain enrolled, you may request another loan for the following quarter.

These devices are reserved for actively enrolled students. You must be enrolled in the quarter for which you are requesting equipment prior to submitting your request.  Should you withdraw from all your courses, loaned devices will be due back to Highline College immediately so they can be available for other students. Active enrollment does not include fulfilling an incomplete grade from a previous term.

You may request equipment through the Student Technology Request Form.  When a device becomes available, you will receive an invitation to schedule the pickup of your device.


Note that due to high rates of equipment not being returned when due, the college will begin applying lost fines and blocks for overdue equipment.  Devices which are not returned will incur lost item fines and may result in registration blocks.

  • Non-returned Windows laptops will result in a $500 fine
  • Non-returned Chromebooks will result in a $250 fine
  • Non-returned Wi-Fi hotspots will result in a $75 fine
