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Watermark Tutorial: Student Notes

Watermark Tutorial: Student Notes 2024-09-13T15:58:38+00:00

Watermark Tutorial

Student Notes

This tutorial covers creating student notes in Watermark; sending a message through a note; and viewing, editing, deleting, or commenting on notes.

Creating Student Notes

Step 1

Starting from a student’s profile:

Select the student you want to add a note to. You can search or select from your Caseload.

Watermark Select Student from Caseload list

Step 2

Above the student’s name, in the right-most column of the screen, click ‘Note.’

Watermark Student Profile, 'Note' at the top is highlighted

Step 3

Click the Note Type(s) drop down menu and select a Note Type.

  • Note type will help other members of the student’s team filter the list of notes.
  • Almost all types of notes are visible to staff and faculty. (Some are confidential, e.g. Financial Aid.)

Watermark Student Note Select Type

Step 4

Type the text of your note in the large text box.

  • Important: Avoid private/personal information in Notes, as they are widely visible across campus.
  • Important: While students aren’t able to see notes directly in Aviso, they can request them as part of their student record. Notes should be written as though the student will see them.

Step 5

Click ‘Save’ when you are done.

Watermark Save/Cancel button with Save highlighted

Creating a Student Message from a Note

A Message to a student can be automatically added to the Notes for that student.

  • Pro tip: This is a great way to summarize what you discussed with the student, remind them of any tasks they need to complete, and give them a record of the conversation.

Step 1

While creating a message, click the ‘Create Note from Message’ option below the text for that message.

Watermark Student Note Create Note from message checkbox

Step 2

Below the check box, a ‘Note Type’ selection will appear. Select the Note Type you need.

Watermark Student Note creation select note type

Step 3

Click ‘Send.’ When you do, the message will be sent to the student, and a note will be created from the message text.

Watermark Send button for student notes. Cancel is next to the send option.

Viewing, Editing, Deleting, or Commenting on Notes

Viewing Notes

To view notes for a student, go to their profile and click on the ‘Notes’ link underneath the student’s name (as explained in Steps 1-2 of the ‘Creating Student Notes’ section above).

Editing, Deleting, or Commenting on a Note

Notes can be edited for 30 minutes after you submit them. After that, they cannot be changed. If you need to make a change to a note after that time period, add the new information to a Comment beneath the note.
