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Watermark Tutorial: Schedule with a Department

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Watermark Tutorial: Schedule with a Department 2024-09-13T15:55:14+00:00

Watermark Tutorial

Schedule a Meeting with a Department

Students can schedule meetings with different departmental services on campus, including Access Services, Advising, Women’s Programs, and many more.


Step 1

Sign in to Watermark using your myHighline username and password.

If you are already in Watermark, make sure you are on the ‘Home’ page.

Screenshot of the top left of the Watermark home page, showing the 'Home,' 'Profile,' and 'Plan' options on the navigation bar. 'Home' is highlighted.

Step 2

Find the ‘Meetings’ module on your home page. It’s normally on the left side of the screen, below the information about your Success Team.

Watermark Student Meetings Module with meeting details and Schedule a Meeting

Step 3

Click ‘Schedule a Meeting.’

Watermark Student Schedule a Meeting button in the Meetings Module

Step 4

Choose the service you’d like. Watermark calls these ‘locations.’ There are over 20 different services you can connect with.

Wtermark Student Schedule Meeting choose a location (department you want to meet wiht)

Step 5

Next choose the service, and whether you’d like to meet via Zoom or face-to-face in a campus office.

Note: You will also see a list of names. We recommend choosing the name of the department, because you’ll get the first available appointment.

  • ‘Face-to-Face’ means you’ll meet with someone in an office on our campus or at the HUB Federal Way Center
  • ‘Virtual’ means you’ll meet with someone online via Zoom

Select the option for the way you would prefer to meet.

Watermark Student Meeting with department "Know who you want to meeting with?" drop down selection of departments. Virtual means Zoom meeting, Face-to-Face is on campus or at the HUB

Step 6

Now, select what you would like to discuss. Usually, there will only be one option, but you do need to click the button to move to the next step.

Watermark Student Meeting with department "What would you like to discuss?" only option is "Academic Pathway Advising", click it to continue

Step 7

Add a brief note about what you’d like to meet about.

Watermark Student Meeting with Department "What is on your mind?" dialogue box to give brief note about what you want to talk about.

Step 8

Click on the ‘Next’ button in the lower right corner of the screen.

Watermark 'Next' button with green box to highlight it

Step 9

Click the button for the length of the meeting. Most departments and services can meet for 20 minutes. Some will contact you to ask for a longer meeting.

Watermark Student Meeting "How would you like to meet" starts with selecting the length of time you want for the meeting

Step 10

Click on the ‘Pick a Time’ button in the lower right corner.

Watermark Student "Pick a Time" blue button for scheduling meetings

Step 11

Click on the arrows to find a date with available times.

Watermark Student choose date by scrolling with arrows to schedule meeting

Step 12

Once you find a date with available times, click on the time to select one.

Watermark Student select a time to schedule your meeting. Use arrows to scroll to different times that are available.

Step 13

Click the ‘Next’ button again.

Watermark 'Next' button with green box to highlight it

Step 14

The next screen will show you a summary of the meeting information.

Watermark Student Meeting scheduling confirmation and details, showing length of time, date and time, topic, and your comments

Step 15

Click ‘Save’ to finish scheduling the meeting.

Watermark green 'Save' button with bright green box to highlight it

Once you click ‘Save’ a few things happen:

  • You’ll receive a calendar item on your Highline Google Calendar.
  • The Meetings module on your Succeed home page will show the meeting information.

The person you are meeting with will contact you with the room location if you’re meeting face-to-face, or the Zoom link if the meeting is Virtual.
