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Important Message to Faculty Fall Quarter 2023

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Important Message to Faculty Fall Quarter 2023

Dear Faculty Members,

Information Technology Services (ITS) welcomes new and returning faculty members to Highline College! We are providing important information to assist you with Highline resources, requesting technology support, and teaching on campus or remotely.

Our Mission: Information Technology Services (ITS) is a customer-focused organization that strives to provide secure, reliable, efficient, and accessible technology solutions for Highline College students, faculty, and staff.


Technology Assistance and Resources

The ITS Help Desk is located in the Academic Technology Center in Building 30. ITS staff are available to provide technology and support to all campus users. Our operating hours are posted here.


Help Desk Information


Day of WeekBuilding 30 Spring Break Hours (3/24-3/28, 2025)
Monday8:00 am - 5 pm
Tuesday8:00 am - 5 pm
Wednesday8:00 am - 5 pm
Thursday8:00 am - 5 pm
Friday8:00 am - 5 pm


How to Contact the Help Desk:

Please contact the Help Desk at ext. 4357 (HELP), (206-592-4357), email helpdesk@highline.edu, or Submit a Ticket. Please provide as much information as possible to help us troubleshoot and resolve the issue.


Technology Assistance and Support in the Classroom

If you are teaching in a classroom or computer lab and experience any technology issues, please do the following to report any issues.

  • Please contact the Help Desk at ext. 4357 (HELP) or (206-592-4357).
  • Inform the Help Desk that you are in a class and if you need assistance during class or at another time. Please give your name, room location, and briefly explain the problem that you are experiencing.
  • An ITS team member will be in the classroom within 5-15 minutes.
  • Information on using the classroom equipment is posted at the instructor’s station or lectern.

Online Support

A wealth of information and technology resources for faculty is available online at the ITS Website. The Service Catalog provides an overview of the support services provided by ITS at the Help Desk site. Click on the Help Desk button, Tools for Staff, for additional technology resources.


Open Computer Lab for Students

The Building 30 computers in the open lab space will be open Monday-Friday at the hours listed above. Additional information about the open lab here.


Student and Faculty Devices for Checkout

ITS provides Chromebooks and Windows laptops to students for checkout. Students must fill out a Technology Request Form here. Computers are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis for each quarter.

Replacement Cycle Information

  • ITS replaces Highline computers approximately every four years.
  • Beginning the fiscal year 2020-2021, full-time employees were provided an ITS standard laptop as their primary device for both on-campus and remote work. Standard  equipment will include a docking station and extra monitor in the office as well as an extra monitor for remote work if required to perform their job duties.
  • Part-time employees and adjunct faculty will be provided access to shared devices for on-campus work and may be provided equipment for college-approved remote work, as agreed upon by ITS and appropriate department leadership.
  • Technical support for those working remotely will be provided for college-owned computers and systems. The college cannot support home network connections or personal devices.


Student Devices for Checkout

ITS provides Chromebooks and Windows laptops to students for checkout.  Students must fill out a technology request form here.  Computers are provided on a first come first basis for each quarter.

Online Support 

A wealth of information and technology resources for faculty is available online at  https://its.highline.edu/.  The Service Catalog provides an overview of the support services provided by ITS at the Help Desk site. Click on the Help Desk button, Tools for Staff, for additional technology resources.

Highline Resources

Your Highline username and password will access Highline computing resources such as:

To reset your password, go to myHighline Web page: https://myinfo.highline.edu/MyInfo/ 

The following Highline resources are available on the web and can be accessed from a browser on any computer using Wi-Fi.  No VPN or Remote Desktop is needed.

  • Canvas
  • Email – Outlook Web Access
  • ctcLink
  • Office 365: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Google Drive

Canvas is the Learning Management System in use for most Highline classes. 

Google Drive

Faculty, students and staff have a Highline Google Drive to save and share files.  To log in, go to drive.highline.edu and sign in with you Highline username and password.

Best Practices for Teaching and Working Remotely

Saving Documents

With Google File Stream (sometimes known as Google Drive for Desktop), you can stream your Google Drive files directly from the cloud to your Mac or PC, freeing up disk space and network bandwidth.  For additional information on Google Drive and Google File Stream, visit here. Save your documents to OneDrive by clicking on Save and OneDrive-Highline College.  Note: Please do not save your valuable documents to your Highline desktop.  

Systems Accessed Only by Connection to Highline Network

  • Use Remote Desktop (RDP) to remote into your work computer via the Highline Virtual Private Network (VPN) service which makes your personal computer part of the Highline network.
    • Highline Resources:
      • Teaching applications (ex. AutoCad, SmartView, SolidWorks

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

  • It is best while working remotely to log into VPN to ensure you are working on a safe and secure environment.
  • There are some sites and services that can only be accessed from Highline’s network.
  • You will need to log into VPN daily and logout when you are done with work.

How to Connect to the VPN


IT Security

It is important to protect all Highline usernames and passwords, as well as personal information and College data, from cybersecurity attacks. Cybercriminals continually refine their tools to infiltrate systems and networks to access data, attempting to steal institutional information and personal credentials, and access valuable resources, with the ultimate goal of financial gain. They also try to make devices and systems inaccessible until the targeted individuals or organizations pay a fee.

Highline faculty and staff have a responsibility to secure College data from potential attacks and data breaches, and to use Highline College computing resources appropriately. Additional security information is here:.https://its.highline.edu/cyber-security/

ITS is here to support you.  We hope that you have a great Fall quarter and academic year!

The ITS Leadership Team

Tim Wrye, Chief Information Officer

Patricia Daniels, Deputy CIO; ctcLink Director

Theresa Duhart, Director of Technology Support Services

Jennifer Jovanovich. IT Security & Compliance Officer