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Logging into ctcLink through the Okta Dashboard

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Logging into ctcLink through the Okta Dashboard 2025-01-03T16:07:03+00:00

Logging into ctcLink through the Highline Okta Dashboard

If you have activated your ctcLink account and set up Multi-Factor Authentication on your Highline Okta account, you can now log into ctcLink using your myHighline username and password through the Highline Okta Dashboard.

This page will guide you through the log in process step by step.  You can also watch a step-by-step video tutorial.


Step 1

Sign in with your myHighline username and password at the Highline Okta Dashboard.

myHighline Okta log in

Step 2

Once logged in, you will see the apps available to you on the dashboard. Highline apps will be listed at the top of the screen (including Canvas and Aviso) and ctcLink apps are listed below.

Okta Dashboard

Option 1 – ctcLink Mobile (Recommended)

To use the ctcLink Mobile site, click ctcLink Mobile tile.

ctclink mobile tile on okta

You will be taken to the ctcLink Mobile springboard.  Click the ctcLink Login tile.

ctclink mobile login tile

You will be taken to the ctcLink Mobile Dashboard.

ctclink mobile dashboard

Option 2 – ctcLink Homepage

To use the main ctcLink Homepage (or Gateway), click the ctcLink tile.

ctclink tile in mobile app

If you have a role at more than one Washington Community or Technical College, you may be asked to choose your college.

choose college

You will now be on the ctcLink Gateway homepage.

ctclink gateway

Optional – ctcLink MyAccount

If you need to get to the ctcLink MyAccount dashboard to update your ctcLink password or MFA settings directly (separate from myHighline password and MFA settings), you can use the ctcLink MyAccount tile.

okta ctclink MyAccount

You will be taken to the ctcLink MyAccount dashboard.
