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Student Email Guide

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Student Email Guide 2024-10-29T14:53:42+00:00

Highline Student Email Guide


Log in to your Highline Email

Once students have activated their myHighline login they can access their email account using their myHighline user name and password.  If you forget your username and/or password, contact the ITS Help DeskHighline student email accounts are the primary method of official communication between students and the campus community, as well as all email correspondence from Canvas..

  • A Highline student email address is username@students.highline.edu

Highline student email operates on the Gmail platform in Google’s G-Suite for Education. Students can log in to their student email account at students.highline.edu.

If you already have a Highline College student email but it has expired, you do not need to use an activation code to set up a new myHighline account. Contact the ITS Help Desk to reactivate your myHighline account.
